In the current book, Msgr. Philip Hughes does not repeat the work of others, important as it has been. Using the Reformation as a jumping-off point, in Rome and the Counter-Reformation in England he focuses on the ultimately unsuccessful attempts by both the Holy See and local Catholics to bring England back to the One True Faith. Ending with reigns of Kings James I and Charles I, he paints a picture that is of utmost importance to English-speaking Catholics today. Read this book carefully; let us forget our 20/20 hindsight, and remember that the issues that were so confusing to our truly brave and noble forbears were as bewildering and threatening to them as the ones that face us now are to us. When we disagree over tactics in facing them with our brother Catholics, let us remember that the man or woman, with whom we may differ, may be holier than we ourselves-something of which none of us this side of the grave tend to be great judges. -Charles A. Coulombe.
Rome and the Counter-Reformation in England
Mediatrix Press