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This study journal will help you absorb the treasures of the Church's teaching as you travel through Credo: Compendium of the Catholic Faith – the most up-to-date "catechism" in print — to fruitfully reflect, pray, and live as Christ instructed.


Individuals or study groups, classroom teachers, retreat programmes, and large-format presentations may all benefit from this Credo companion resource. Recurring aspects in features include:


  • Key phrases and ideas that illustrate the essential theological aspects of each chapter should be studied.
  • Reflect: Prompts for readers to use to adapt chapter topics to their own life.
  • Discuss: Topical questions to stimulate group conversation
  • Lex Orandi: Mass prayer snippet illustrating a chapter theme
  • Lex Credendi: An excerpt from Credo on the same subject.


This study diary has plenty of room for taking notes, which will help you synthesise and personalise your research of this comprehensive exposition of Catholic beliefs and values.


The journal's format has been deliberately developed to enhance the reader's experience with Credo, encouraging greater study, deeper understanding, and more successful usage in both private and group situations. The wonderfully linked extracts from the Roman Missal will help you learn how the Catholic Church actually "prays as she believes"—lex orandi, lex credendi—helping you get closer to God.


You will be prepared to apply and explain the ideas of good moral conduct in an increasingly confusing and anti-Christian environment via contemplation and conversation on Christian identity, dogma, morality, and worship.


This journal will assist you in unlocking the secrets of divine revelation as portrayed in Credo, growing in your faith, enriching your catechism class, and shaping your homilies.

Credo Study Journal

SKU: 9781644139400
  • Sophia Institute Press

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