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Almost everyone has heard of him, but few know the real history of his life. In this excellent work, A Twice Crowned Knight, you will learn the full story of this modern hero of the Faith, St. Maximilian Kolbe. This friar with an overwhelming love of the Blessed Virgin Mary, considered a foolish dreamer by many of his contemporaries, built an army for his Queen. His cities of the Immaculate were sources of immense conversion as he sought to draft the entire world into his Militia Immaculatae.

“Men of today cannot disavow this son of St. Francis of Assisi under the pretext that he sanctified himself in a medieval frame-work; for with the exception of its sins, he loved all of the modern world and he conscripted for God the printing press, the radio, the airplane. And he knew all of its miseries too: tuberculosis, bombings, enemy occupation, prison camps, the concentration camp of Auschwitz . . . The story of his death with which this book ends is at once one of the most dreadful and sublime that a book from a human pen could yield.” Bruno de Solages


Includes 30 pages in the Appendix on how to become a Knight of Our Lady. Preface by Fr. Karl Stehlin.

Twice Crowned Knight

SKU: 8594
  • Angelus Press

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