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Wondering what to think about the doctrinal deviations of Vatican II? 


“The laity cannot remain silent in the face of the errors that threaten their Faith. While remaining in their place as laity, they must fight these errors and, at the same time, know well, profess, and defend the truths to which these errors are opposed.”—Arnaud De Lassus 


The Layman’s Guide to Vatican II is a summary of the need-to-know essentials from the Second Vatican Council. It offers a concise outline of events, an explanation of the Council origins and a breakdown of its key documents. Using accessible language, it proceeds with astounding clarity to define and explain each of the errors of Vatican II. 


Topics of interest for the curious Catholic:

  • History of Vatican II
  • Documents produced by Vatican II
  • What are Religious Liberty, Collegiality, and Ecumenism 
  • Protestant-inspired shift from a God-focused Church to a man-focused Church 
  • Departure of the Second Vatican Council from the traditional teachings of the Church


This brief, easy-to-read text is an aid for Catholics to better understand Vatican II and today’s modern crisis. If you’re looking for quick access to the facts, or simply trying to help others understand what really happened at the Second Vatican Council, this book is for you! 

Layman's Guide to Vatican II, A

SKU: 9781949124187
  • Angelus Press

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